

The Makerspace at the Health Sciences Library

About the Health Sciences Library Makerspace

The Makerspace is located on the first floor of the Health Sciences Library and is managed by VCU Libraries’ Health Sciences Library Engagement and User Experience department. You can learn more about the different types of equipment in the Makerspace, as well as how to use them, by clicking through the Health Sciences Library Makerspace research guide.

Envisioned as an active, open creative community, the Makerspace welcomes beginners and experts alike. Want to get involved? Request an orientation session and get started!

What is available?

The Makerspace is home to two filament 3D printers (Prusa), a Glowforge laser cutter, a Cricut cutting machine, two VR systems (the HTC Vive Pro and the Oculus Rift) and a Sewing Machine (Juki).


VCU students, faculty, staff, alumni with library cards, VCU Health employees, and library card-holding members of Friends of VCU Libraries are welcome to use the HSL Makerspace. Current VCU faculty and students have priority use of the space to work on academic projects.

Some spaces and pieces of equipment require that users be authorized by first attending an orientation session. All users must follow the Health Sciences Library’s Makerspace and Studio Usage Guidelines