A photo of the TML maker space with people using the available equipment.

Making and creating at the Health Sciences Library

The Health Sciences Library provides access to specialized technology and software for the VCU community to learn, explore, and innovate. The Makerspace offers two filament 3D printers (Prusa), a Cricut cutting machine, a laser cutter, two different VR systems, and a Sewing Machine (Juki). The Audio Studio at the Health Sciences Library provides a quiet environment for basic audio recording with high-quality microphones. And the Collaboration Room, in the basement, is for viewing and editing multimedia.

The Makerspace is open from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday.

VCU community members are invited to make use of the Health Sciences Library's making and creating equipment and spaces, but should be sure to attend an orientation session prior to reserving a room or piece of equipment

Questions? Get in touch with the Health Sciences Library Makerspace team at or (804) 828-0636.