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Services for VCU Faculty and Staff
Your courses
- Find course-integrated instruction service at Cabell Library, Health Sciences Library, Special Collections and Archives, or the Creative Technologies and Scholarship Workshop
- Find library subject specialists
- Adopt or author affordable course content
- Put physical items on reserve for your classes
- Request/book a film for your class
- Film streaming request form
- Request a new course collection review
- Review collections guidelines
- Suggest a purchase for our collection
- Request librarian-led instruction for your class
Your research
- Find borrowing information
- Find journals by title
- Suggest a purchase for our collection
- Borrow from other libraries
- Request documents for delivery
- Print, scan, copy, fax
- Request a one-on-one consultation
- Keep current on new research
- Manage research data
- Contribute to Scholars Compass: publishing platform for the intellectual output of VCU’s academic, research, and administrative communities.
- Find funding
- Prepare for promotion and tenure
- Explore more researcher support services
- Register a proxy borrower:
VCU faculty and staff members may authorize up to five persons to borrow library materials in the faculty or staff member's name.
- Submission of this request indicates that you accept complete responsibility for materials borrowed in your name. VCU faculty and staff will be authenticated as current employees when they submit this form.
- Authorized borrowers will need some form of picture identification to borrow materials. Do not give them your VCU ID card.
- This authorization expires one year from the date of submission, unless otherwise indicated below.
- Should you wish to remove a name from the list, please notify VCU LIbraries immediately via email (libnotices@vcu.edu) or in person. You will be responsible for any charges made until formal notification is received by VCU Libraries.
- Request partner borrowing privileges:
VCU faculty and staff members may designate a partner to receive borrowing privileges from VCU Libraries. For purposes of this document, "partner" refers to both domestic partners and spouses.
The partner will be able to borrow VCU Library owned materials on an individual patron account with borrowing privileges similar to community members. These patrons will be responsible for any overdue fines, fees for replacement of lost materials, and damaged materials fees.
- The faculty or staff member’s submission of this form indicates that they are currently a faculty/staff member at VCU and designates the individual named below as a partner.
- The faculty or staff member currently employed by VCU must complete this form and submit it to VCU Libraries.
- The partner will be required to complete a VCU Employees, Students & Affiliates Borrower’s Registration form upon their first visit to VCU Libraries.
- The partner must present a valid photo ID to borrow materials from VCU Libraries.
- These borrowing privileges expire one year from the date of submission, and may be renewed by the faculty/staff sponsor by contacting VCU Libraries