
VCU Publishing

Based in the VCU Libraries, VCU Publishing amplifies VCU scholarly and research findings, and provides publishing opportunities and experiences for VCU students and faculty.  VCU Publishing includes a portfolio of platforms and publishing services, and seeks partnerships within VCU and the Greater Richmond community to broaden that portfolio in ways that advance research, creative expression, and learning at VCU and for the region.

Help with Scholarly Publishing

Journal Publishing 

VCU Libraries publishes a number of influential peer-reviewed journals that have editorial board connections to the university.  In addition, we offer publishing services to journal partners at VCU including digitization of back issues, DOI assignment, digital preservation, and dissemination. We use COPE Guidelines on publication ethics as a guide to best practice when evaluating publishers for inclusion. We recommend that publishers follow these guidelines.

Journals include:

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Book Publishing

VCU Libraries book publishing includes digital reprints and original scholarship. VCU Publishing especially wants to hear from faculty who are eager to share their long-form scholarship or open educational resources. Book publishing services include ISBN/DOI assignment, author rights and rights reversion, digital preservation, editorial services, book chapter reprints, multiple formats and dissemination. 

Books include:

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Digital Scholarship

VCU Libraries' publishing capabilities include web-based projects developed in partnership with scholars and other subject matter experts, alongside preservation of underlying datasets in our repository. See also VCU Libraries technology and computing capabilities for access to tools and training for creating digital scholarship. 

Scholars Compass

VCU Scholars Compass is a publishing platform for the intellectual output of VCU’s academic, research and administrative communities. Its goal is to provide wide and stable access to the exemplary work of VCU’s faculty, researchers, students and staff. 

Scholars Compass hosts content that is produced, submitted or sponsored by VCU faculty, researchers or staff, and demonstrates scholarly, educational or research value. Presentations at professional conferences and publications in scholarly venues from graduate and professional students are encouraged. Other content produced or submitted by VCU students must be sponsored by VCU faculty, researchers, or staff.

Content housed in VCU Scholars Compass can include but is not limited to:

  • published or unpublished faculty research, presentations, technical reports and working papers
  • open educational resources, instructional material and courseware
  • conference papers and proceedings
  • multimedia
  • administrative and policy documents
  • theses and dissertations
  • data sets
  • software

To learn more about publishing with VCU Libraries, contact