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Digital Collections, Exhibits, and Projects
VCU Libraries' digital collections provide free online access to written works, images, and audiovisual materials for VCUL collections alongside those of our community partners. Collections decisions are prioritized following Digital Collections Development Guidelines.
VCU Libraries digital collections materials and exhibits can be found via:
Digital Collections on Scholars Compass
VCU Libraries Gallery
Digital Collections Exhibits
Social Welfare History Project & Image Portal
Mapping the Second Ku Klux Klan, 1915-1940
James Branch Cabell: Literary Life and Legacy
Freedom Now Project
Featured Digital Collections

Community Digitization Program
Our Community Digitization Program seeks community partners interested in digitizing and providing access to their special collections, archival records, photographs, publications, and other documents. VCUL seeks to lend support to preserving the archival record of Richmond and Virginia history, alongside our other collecting areas.
Together we can preserve and promote your materials while contributing to VCU Libraries' research and educational mission. Preview a sample digitization agreement used with our community partners and to learn more or to find out if your collection qualifies. For more information, contact the VCU Publishing team.