Medical Library Association honors Teresa L. Knott, MLS, MPA, AHIP
March 27, 2020
The Medical Library Association (MLA) has honored Associate Dean and Director of Tompkins-McCaw Library for the Health Sciences Teresa L. Knott with two high honors.
Knott has been named a Fellow, a singular honor awarded by the MLA Board of Directors for sustained and outstanding contributions to health sciences librarianship and to the advancement of the purposes of MLA. Fellows are recognized throughout the health sciences library community by the "FMLA" designation following their names. Throughout its history, MLA has recognized individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of the purposes for which the Association stands by conferring this special membership status.
Knott also received Presidential Awards as a member of three task forces that transformed the organizational structure of MLA: the Strategic Priorities Task Force (2015-2016), the Communities Strategic Goal Task Force (2017-2019), and the Communities Transition Team (2018-2019). Her work with these groups made a notable difference in reshaping how MLA communities work together to achieve the organization's strategic goals and advance the profession.
Knott’s many significant contributions to the MLA include serving as its president (2016-2017). “Teresa has long stood among the foremost leaders of the health sciences library community”, said John Ulmschneider, Dean of Libraries and University Librarian at VCU. “These notable honors recognize her deeply consequential contributions to the profession, and celebrate the many ways she has helped shape contemporary health sciences librarianship. We are proud to have one of the profession’s most honored leaders at the helm of VCU’s health sciences library.”
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