Medical librarian honored with 2019 VCU interprofessional award
May 9, 2019
Emily J. Hurst, Tompkins-McCaw Library Deputy Director and Head of Research and Education, is recognized as a champion of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Care at VCU.
At a ceremony May 9, 2019, Hurst was one of five VCU faculty members receiving the Excellence in Interprofessionalism Award. It recognizes faculty within five years of their initial full-time faculty appointment with a demonstrated commitment to expanding interprofessional education. Other recipients represented faculty from pharmacy, occupational therapy and nursing.
In this awards program, VCU’s Center for Interprofessional Education, for the fiifth year, celebrates people who are making a difference in their programs and community through interprofessional work and education. Hurst is the first librarian to receive the honor.
The Center, which aspires to be a national model for “transforming communities and healthcare through innovations in education, scholarship and practice focused on increasing interprofessional care” distinguishes between “interdisciplinary” and “interprofessional” work. It defines interdisciplinary teamwork is an approach like interprofessional teamwork but differs as the team members are composed of individuals from different disciplines such as psychology, anthropology, economics and geography. Interprofessional teamwork involves different health and/or social care professions who share a team identity and work closely together in an integrated and interdependent manner to solve complex care problems and deliver services.
Learn more about interprofessional education and interprofessional practice.
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