Meet Janet Reid: She brings business background to librarianship for School of Business
September 8, 2017
Janet Reid is VCU Libraries’ new Business Research Librarian. In her new role at VCU Libraries, Reid will serve as liaison to the School of Business. She will work closely with faculty to provide curriculum integrated instruction and research services. Reid brings a deep background in business research. She most recently served as corporate librarian at Blue Cross Blue Shield of Minnesota. She has also held positions at Centerpoint Energy, the Star Tribune (Minneapolis), Wiley, Rein & Fielding, and the Howard University School of Law. Reid holds a Master’s of Library Science from North Carolina Central University and the B.S. in Library Science from Radford University.
Tell us about your background and your journey to VCU Libraries. You have a blend of corporate and legal experience. How would you envision that background informing your work with the School of Business?
I have worked in law, newspaper, natural gas and insurance libraries. I love finding the answer or helping create a solution. My experience in different industries has helped me realized that the combination of the power of information, research skills and determination will produce success in any industry.
What are some of the materials or collections you see as being particularly helpful to the School of Business?
We are fortunate to have a wealth of leading business resources in the library. For example, we have Mintel and Passport GMID for Market Research Reports; Hoover’s for company information; IBISWorld for industry reports and Pew Research Center for demographic data.
What should faculty know about planning a class visit/working with you? What is your approach to teaching and working with business faculty and students?
I am excited to offer personalized consultation services to support their research needs. I eagerly await the opportunity to build relationships and network with the faculty by assisting them with locating information, promoting research service and providing world class service.
VCU’s School of Business has a focus on creativity and innovation. What thoughts do you have about how library services or outreach can align with the school’s focus?
Library services are driven to maintain an understanding of the latest trends in innovations and technology in research, digital scholarship and the user experience with tools so that we can share this information students and faculty.
How do you find inspiration and energy--in your teaching or in your research or in your own art or creative endeavors?
I maintain my drive for research by reading professional and industry publications, attending professional development opportunities, striving daily to think out of the box, searching for new ideas and resources and embracing the ability of being nimble and agile.
What are your research interests and how do you intend to further them in your new position?
Emerging technologies and research services
What else would you like to add?
My favorite sport is shopping.
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