
Faculty Organization

The VCU Libraries Faculty Organization provides a forum to express opinions and concerns freely; to exercise educational, advisory, administrative, and service functions; and to participate in University governance. Each person who has a faculty appointment with VCU Libraries is a member of the Faculty Organization.



Officers serve one-year terms. Term of office begins June 1.

  • Tim Siegel (Chair, -2025)
  • Oscar Keyes (Vice-Chair/Chair-Elect, -2026)
  • Samantha Guss (Secretary, -2025)

Peer Review Committee

Members serve three-year terms. Term of office begins May 1.

  • Nia Rodgers (-2025)
  • Margaret T. Kidd (-2026)
  • Megan Hodge (-2027)

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee is appointed by the chair each academic year.

  • (TBA)

Faculty Development Committee

The Faculty Development Committee consists of the Faculty Org chair, a representative of the Peer Review Committee, and three members appointed by the Faculty Org chair each academic year.

  • Nora Bloch
  • Valerie Glenn
  • Janet Reid
  • Megan Hodge (Peer Review Committee representative)

Elected Representatives

Faculty Senate

Representatives serve three-year terms; alternates serve for one year. Term of office begins August 15.

  • Ashley Brewer (-2025)
  • Amanda Echterling (-2027)
  • Sergio Chaparro (Alternate, -2025)
  • Jenny Stout (Alternate, -2025)

University Council

Representatives and alternates serve two-year terms. Term of office begins at the start of the academic year.

  • Julie Arendt (-2025)
  • Talicia Tarver (-2026)

  • Chrystal Carpenter (Alternate, -2026)

University Grievance Panel

Representative and alternate serve three-year terms. Term of office begins August 15.

  • Jessica Johnson (-2027)
  • John Glover (Alternate, -2025)