
Events Archive: 2023-24

Real Life Film Series: The Last One: Unfolding the AIDS Memorial Quilt


This documentary presents a contemporary historical account of the AIDS epidemic in the United States, with its focal point being the narrative of the AIDS Memorial Quilt. The documentary navigates the evolution of a pandemic initially stigmatized as a "gay disease," illustrating how it has transitioned to disproportionately affect the African American demographic, encompassing women and youth. Rooted in the 1980s, when AIDS inflicted substantial devastation upon the gay community in the United States, the AIDS Quilt emerged as a mechanism for advancing comprehension and medical treatment.

Following the screening, Suzanne Lavoie, MD, who practices at the Children’s Hospital of Richmond at VCU, will lead a discussion on themes from the film, current research and the exhibits on display. Snacks and drinks will be provided. 

This event is free and open to the public.
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For special accommodations, or to register offline, please contact Ryan Pander, event manager, or 804-828-0593.